Pdf document
of final project documentation for 6.837 - computer
graphics fall 2002
Megan Galbraith, Dan
Chak and Axel Kilian
A string simulation modeller was explored through a C++ program using the
Runge Kutta solver method. ABove sketches were done using www.processing.org
based java. Thanks to Ben
Fry and Casey Reas.
Initial particle spring classes implemented by Simon Greenwold, thank you- and more to come from the class Simon taught at Yale/Architecture in Fall2003 and Spring 2004
Reworked catenary project in processing with modeling capabilities by Axel Kilian Spring 2004.
It served as starting
point and sketching platform for research workshop on hanging string models
co taught by John Ochsendorf, Axel Kilian, Eric Demaine, Mark Demaine, Barb
Cuttler and support by Simon Greenwold.
A more robust C++ version was developed during the workshop