Design Tooling - Sketching by Computation

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Conceptual Unit

This module introduces sketching by computation as means of design through a series of  different perspectives, a range of possible design interpretations and a collection of exemplary implementations. In the first section the idea of topology is examined through its accustomed definition and applications in mathematics, biology, computation theory and architectural design.


The following section presents design interpretations which progressively  exploit the underlying ideas of procedural sketching. Each group contains a few conceptual sketches by computation. The module provides multiple levels of conceptual engagement and an entry point to high level of techniques.


Technical Unit

This module provides a foundation on applied computation for design purposes. It introduces some basic concepts of computer programming accompanied by designer-friendly geometry-flavored examples.


Resources Unit

A library containing a collection of the most commonly used function in computational geometry. Feel free to download and use it (see terms and conditions). You can contribute by reporting errors, suggesting changes and/or sending your own extensions.


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