Scripting and Computational Geometry
Compiled by Stylianos Dritsas in Spring of 2003, reedited Summer
2004 Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Stylianos Dritsas. All rights reserved.
In this document I collected some basic information about scripting,
hoping that to help some people interested in finding an easy way to access
computation for design purposes. The thing is that I cannot explain everything
because either it will take too long
(and it would be painful for both of us) but also because there are many things that
I am not aware of.
Anyway this paper runs fast and in breadth (rather
than depth), it covers pretty much most of the commonalities (yet banalities)
of coding, so after this maybe you will be a better coder (I cannot promise
for anything else; it's up to you though).
I will use the Rhino as a CAD
platform because it contains all essential back end/front end of
computational geometry and also it is an easy and relatively open
environment for experimentation. Rhino uses vbscript
as an embedded scripting language. Even though vbscript is not one
of the most powerful computer languages, it has wide range of applicability,
it is fairly easy to learn and pretty flexible. Anyway, once you
know one language it is easier to jump into any other.
It turns out that most of the computer languages are founded
in only four basic conceptual components. Even though the syntax
changes from one language to the other, these concepts remain the same. So, once
you learn one language adequately, it will be easier to access any other.
1. Data definition and manipulation (describe information)
2. Conditional execution (control the flow of a program)
3. Iterative execution (compress processing by repetition)
4. Modularize (organize code for reuse)
Information - Data Types - Variables
Information in computers is always based on numeric quantities.
The fact that we can type text, draw images or model three dimensional
objects is possible once we have a stable set of conventions that allow us to
interpret numbers as something else; something that belongs to a higher level in
perceptual quality but nevertheless quantitative and numeric in essence.
Keep that in mind, because this is the essence of modeling in computation: figure out
how to describe things by numbers.
Information in computers is manipulated through variables. A variable is something
like a container of a value (in the memory of the computer)
that we can access and modify by using a text-name in a piece of code. So, a variable just allows you
to store and access a value. In vbscript you use the keyword "dim" to declare
a variable. Even though you are not forced to do it in vbscript, I think it is a
very good idea to do so.
dim identifier
Where, identifier is the variable's name. Sometimes people use the
term identifier instead of variable. There are two kinds of rules
for naming new variables:
1. Explicit Rules Enforced by the Language:
This means that if these rules/conventions are broken (by you), then there
will be error(s) reported (for sure). You will get pissed off, might
want to break stuff, etc.
So, the name of a variable:
a. must not contain space characters " "
dim my variable
dim this is another one
use the underscore character "_" instead..
dim my_variable
dim this_is_another_one
b. must not start with a numerical digit (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
dim 12monkeys
dim 2001_a_space_odyssey
but you can use digits after the first character of the
variable's name...
dim apollo13
dim friday_the_13th
c. must not contain any symbol used by the language
dim tango+cash
dim sub-traction
in general avoid using symbols in variables' names
except for underscore
d. must not start with a symbol (!@#%^&*<>;_.)
dim _not_valid_
dim @stake
e. must not contain a keyword (i.e. a word used by the language)
dim dim
dim function
programming languages do not reserve too many words for
key-words. Some of them are: dim, sub, function, for, next
while, until, do, call, to, redim, end, if, then, is, as
2. Implicit Rules Enforced by us Humans:
These are not actually rules, the ones that cause all sorts of
strange errors to be thrown if violated, but they encapsulate good
practices that people decided to use after many painful hours/years
trying to find what went wrong, and turned out to be a sketchy name
given to a variable, that was misspelled, conflicted or reminded
of something else etc...
a. in general try giving meaningful names
dim polygon_index
dim old_vertex
dim new_vertex
b. but don't be too descriptive
dim the_third_day_of_the_month
dim once_upon_a_time_blah_blah_blah
c. even though it is not mandatory, avoid capital characters
dim PaInFuL
d. some people use capitals in order to separate words
dim FirstVariable
dim secondVariable
Numbers are the intrinsic data type of all computer languages. Computers,
actually understand only integer numbers (-1, 0, 1) but they can
simulate real numbers (-0.5, 0.0, 0.5). In vbScript there is no
distinction between a real and an integer because the language takes
care of the conversions. So, here is how to use numbers:
dim a
dim index
dim num
a = 5
index = 0
num = 0.5
dim a: a = 5
dim index: index = 0
dim num: num = 0.5
Already you have enough information to make and run your first script.
A script is a text file that is loaded and executed by the host-application.
You can create and edit a script file in any plain-text editor,
such as the notepad. A better solution is to use a specialized code
editor which highlights the keywords of the script and make code
more legible. There are many code editor on the net that you can
Assuming that you already have a text editor, you can create your
first script by just copying the previous code. The only trick involved
in this code editing process is that you have to save the file by giving
and extension that the host application requires. VbScripts for the
scripting host or the internet explorer have to use the extension ".vbs",
whereas scripts for rhino have to use the extension ".rvb". Now, copy the
previous piece of code in your editor and save it as "intro.rvb". (Notice, that
you have to set the "Save as type" option to "All files" in notepad's save dialog box
because otherwise it will save the file as "intro.rvb.txt"). Open rhino and either
select the menu Tools/RhinoScript/Load... or just type lo and hit enter. A dialog box
will pop up where you can click the add... button and locate the script file you just
saved. Once the script is located it will appear in the scripts list. If you want to save
the file you just opened in the list, select the "Save list" option. In order to run the
script just select it from the list and hit the load button. Hmmm, nothing happened.
Well you just declared a few variables. There were not procedures
or functions called in the script so it just did nothing.
Simple Expressions
In vbScript each line of code defines a single expression. An
expression is the simplest form of computer command/instruction.
Expressions are evaluated from right to left, which means that the
computer reads the right part first, executes its, and then handles
the left part. For example, the most basic expression type is value
assignment in a variable.
dim var
var = 5 + 5
dim var: var = 1/2
dim var
var = 1
var = var + 1
The previous sample shows a variable declaration and its assignment,
a compound version of the same type of expression and finally a
way to increment the value of a variable. The only difference between
the first two formats is the colon symbol which allows two or more
expressions to be in the same line of code. Now, coming back to
the left and right parts of an expression; there are a couple of
things to notice. First, the symbol of equality "=" does not
imply any sort of mathematical equation like "f( x ) = 0" or "x2
+ 2x + 1 = 0" that we are trying to solve, but rather a straight
assignment of value. In other words, the results of the addition
"5 + 5" will be assigned in the variable "var". Remember that a
variable is a rather a temporary container of an accessible, in
contrast to unknown, value.
Now, once this rule is set, it is easier to identify the meaning
of left and right parts of an expression. Since, a value has to
be first calculated before being assigned, it is rather obvious
that the right part of an expression "5 + 5" has to be prioritized
over the left "var". In the second example, with the compound form,
it is also important to notice that "1/2" is actually an expression
rather than a numeric value. As you might recall, computers know
only about integer and real numbers. Therefore, "1/2" is not directly
a number but the result of the division "0.5" is. Finally, the third
example is perfectly correct even though you might think "var
= var + 1<=> 0 = 1". It simply means add one to whatever
"var" contains and re-assign it in the same variable.
Implications: You cannot have a constant value on the left hand
of an expression! Observe the following example. This is a very
basic error. Try it and observe the error message: "Expected
Statement at Line Number ##". Some error messages like this
don't make sense at all, so in the beginning is a little bit frustrating
to figure out what went wrong.
Code is not the most user-friendly medium because even though it
is explicit and readable, it contains a lot of jargon and personal
conventions that makes it difficult for most people to parse. Even
you will have trouble to figure out what were you trying to do with
a piece of code that you haven't seen for a while. Comments is text,
as code is text, which is ignored during the execution of a program.
Comments in vbscript are considered the lines which start with a
single quote (apostrophe) or in general whatever text follows an
apostrophe up to the end of the line. Comments have only one reason:
to remind you and inform other people how you program / script works.
Use comments for documenting the ideas behind the code, rather then
the code in itself, and your conventions and mannerism concerning
of how you interpret data/information. If you can make your code
clear and legible by picking good naming practices then that's even
better. Keep in mind that too many comments become annoying after
a while.
Booleans are numeric values just as the previous but there is a convention for their significance. A boolean
represents a true/false, yes/no, on/off kind of value. By convention a boolean can be either "true" or "false".
There is no special way to declare a boolean but the word "true" and "false" are reserved as keyword by the language.
Another detail with booleans is that by convention zero is interpreted as "false" and non zero as "true".
There is a small catch with booleans which originates from older programming languages. False is usually
numerically represented as zero, while true is may be any number other than zero (typically minus one). Just
keep in mind that false = 0 and true <> 0.
dim bool
bool = false
dim yes: yes = true
Strings or alphanumerics (please don't use this word it's corny) are sequences
of characters, numbers and symbols, that is, what we usually call
just-plain-text. There are a couple of difficulties in getting along
with strings. First you might ask where is text is coming from while
as mentioned previously all computer information is numeric. Actually,
text is composed by numbers and each character has a unique numeric
value defined by some standard, ANSI
or UNICODE for instance. The
great thing about vbScript is that you don't have to care at all
about all these, except if you want to for some reason. Now, because
there is an invisible layer between text and numbers, you cannot
directly change the content of a string as well as mix it with other
types of information, such as numbers.
Another problematic topic is the common confusion between a text-based
script and a text-based string. A script is a sequence of commands
that a computer program converts into a machine friendly scheme
(p-code) and then executes. A string is a data type that encapsulates
a piece of text-based information which might describe code, as
well as anything else, but it is not directly something executable.
dim str
str = "this is a string"
dim text: text = "text"
dim number: number = "1821"
dim valid: valid = ""
dim special_case: special_case = "inner quotes "" have to be double"
dim careful: careful = "bad " idea"
In order to declare a string, you just follow the previous syntax.
For assigning a string literally you must use the double quotes
scheme. The characters between the pair of double quotes is the
actual string value. A double quote inside a string literal must
be followed immediately by another one, otherwise the script interpreter
cannot understand where the string starts and ends. If you use a
code editor that highlights strings, it is easy to notice a fix
errors like this. An empty pair of double quotes is a perfectly
valid string also known as the empty string.
Notice that the "text" variable's name has nothing to do with
the "text" string value. The variable's name lives inside the code
space/time, that is, while you are typing a piece of text. This
is also called edit-time. The variable's contents live after the
code is compiled into machine code, where there are no variable
names anymore, and while the script in running, aka run-time. So,
there is no connection (for now). The same rule applies to the "number"
variable. It does not contain a number, but its textual representation.
So, again you have to treat it as a string value.
There are many things that you can do with strings which usually fall under the topic of text manipulation.
Text is a very powerful medium because it is human-friendly, compared with raw numeric data, and accessible
in general. You can create text files describing any other type of information, given that there
is a standard or custom-made set of conventions for the translation between them. For instance, web pages are
text-based governed by the HTML standard, which the browsers are
capable of translating into graphics.
dim str
str = "one " + "two " + " three"
dim num: num = 13
dim txt: txt = "number: " + cstr( num )
dim noconv: noconv = "number: " + num
dim incomp: incomp = "number: " + 5
dim no_way: no_way = "are you" - "nuts"
The simplest thing you can do with strings is to join/concatenate them. The
"str" string after being executed will contain "one two three" as
its value. Adding strings is not always easy, depending on the programming
language. Hopefully, vbScript makes it easy by reusing the "+" symbol
for signifying string concatenation.
While this is handy, as mentioned previously, you cannot just
add a string and a number. For this reason you have to use the "cstr(
)" function which is provided by the language. A function is reusable
piece of code located elsewhere. A function is a like a black box
that you feed/pass information, it processes them (you don't have
to know how), and it gives back/returns some sort of a result. Lets
just say that "cstr" is the common way to convert between numeric
data types and strings.
Notice also the error cases. In the first and second instances, the conversion
function is missing and the interpreter will complain. The last
case illustrates that because adding strings using "+", which is
used usually for numbers, doesn't mean that you can simply subtract
or multiply text (even though it might be interesting).
Like all computer languages, vbscript comes with a collection of
common integrated functions. Another common theme is people generously
offering their code to the public domain. In both cases there is
usually an accompanying documentation that explains what does what.
It makes sense since code is not the easiest text to read. These
documentation usually follow some standard conventions which describe
the usage of the code.
You can browse the official guide and reference of vbscript which can be found at MSDN.
In the meanwhile, it might be confusing to understand the conventions of documentation. So, here is a typical example:
function mid( string, start, [length] )
A string, portion of which is going to be given back/returned
The beginning character from which mid starts
copying. If start is greater than the length of the input string
in characters, then mid returns an empty string.
The number of characters to copy from the start position. If it is not defined or larger than
the length of the input string, then mid copies all characters from the start position to the end of the string.
Selects a portion of the input string, copies it and returns it.
dim str: str = "first part, second part"
dim prt: prt = mid( str, 12, 11 )
In plain english
The prototype section informs you about the name of the function
and the number of its parameters (a.k.a. arguments) and their syntactics.
In other words the specific function is called mid and expects
you to pass three parameters. But wait! The square brackets
imply that the parameter inside them may be omitted (typically in
cases that it can be inferred). These optional parameters always
come last in the parameter list.
The following section explains the meaning (semantics)
of each parameter usually accompanied by the extreme cases of the
use of each parameter and how will be interpreted in that weird
case. Typically the parameters' description are accompanied by a
short explanation about the kind of information they are expected.
For instance, the first parameter in the example has to be a string.
In any other case there will be an error.
Which brings us to the returns section, in which is described
the process of the function and its result (for better of worse).
In the example, the function requests a string, a starting
point and a length of characters to copy.
User input
Strings are extensively used in rhinoscripting for many purposes. A typical
one is when you are requesting some information such as picking
a point from the viewport. The string is directly transferred to
the command line and the program gets into an idle mode until you
give it what it asks or escape the command. You can also give some
feedback of what your script is doing by sending text/strings either
to rhino's command line or pop up windows.
dim point: point = rhino.getpoint( "Pick a point" )
dim integer: integer = rhino.getinteger( "Enter an integer" )
dim real: real = rhino.getreal( "Gimme a real number" )
dim object: real = rhino.getobject( "Select an object" )
call rhino.print( "All drawings under control." )
call msgbox( "Enhance your CAD software, naturally.", vbcritical, "Attention!" )
Sending commands
There are other more important uses, such as sending rhino commands. Examine
the following examples. In the first two lines there are two commands
sent to rhino. The first one is for selecting all visible objects
and the second one for deleting them. As you can see there is no
practical difference between typing the commands in the application
than sending them through a script (wrapped in a string).
The second couple of lines draws a circle and a square. The syntax
for writing drawing commands is pretty straight forward: it is exactly
what you have been doing if there was no mouse but just a keyboard
in you disposal! You would have to type the name of the command,
press enter (or hit the space bar), enter a point (x, y, z), hit
again enter or space and finally give a radius (or another point
for the square). Well, in this case you don't have to hit enter
for the last parameter. The circle command has an extra parameter
which defines that the last parameter is a radius rather than a
diameter. Notice also that the points described in the string must
not have spaces between the coordinate components (x,y,z) but rather
a comma as separator.
For using commands in this fashion just run them once in rhino
(just press/select a menu item or a toolbar button) and observe
the command sent to the command text window. Then write down the
options and the sequence of what is asked and put all these in a
string and use the command vbscript function.
The next example is a little bit more complicated but that's all
there is to sending commands through strings to rhino. The first
two lines follow the previous rules but the third one has a couple
of weird things going on. The hyphen in the beginning of the command
inhibits the dialog box with the options popped up every time you
loft curves. A popup window grabs the control focus from the main
application window and stops the script from executing unless you
select "ok" or "cancel" (or whatever). Commands
that pop up windows can be bypassed using the hyphen syntax and
your script can be totally automatic (no user intervention unless
needed). Even the open, save and export/import dialogs can be bypassed
by these means. The other interesting thing about this command is
the two "typed enters" inside it (the string). These force
the command to stop requesting more information and just do what
it has to do.
The final line contains one more syntax trick you might want to
know for sending commands. Because the space character is understood
as hitting the enter key (or the right mouse button) in rhino, when
you want to send a command that contains a space " " you
will have to actually wrap it around double quotes. For example
if you want to plot some text that contains spaces then you must
use the double quote scheme or some weird error will happen. Now,
because a double quote is a symbol of vbscript (for strings) you
have to double it as explained previously. In order to double check
your command and figure out what rhino is gonna see imagine that
you remove the outer quotes from your string and make all double
double quotes singles. The text that will remain has to be a valid
command that once you type (manually) in the rhino command line
it will work with out any problems. Another example of this kind
is the case when you want to save/export or open/import files from
the command line: you will have to quote the filename in order to
be sure of what is gonna happen. For instance if the filename is
something like (c:\folder\drawing.3dm) then everything is ok. If
the filename is (c:\my documents\the final drawing.3dm) then you
are in trouble if you don't put the filename is quotes because it
just contains these ambiguous spaces.
call rhino.command( "selall" )
call rhino.command( "delete" )
call rhino.command( "circle radius 0,0,0 5" )
call rhino.command( "rectangle -5,-5,5 5,5,5" )
call rhino.command( "selnone" )
call rhino.command( "selcrv" )
call rhino.command( "-loft enter enter" )
call rhino.command( "-text 0,0,0 ""a b c""" )
Dynamic commands or Mixing data
Even though sending commands directly to rhino by using the command
function is not a very, lets say "elegant", way of doing things, there are a
few more details that you might want to be aware of. Whenever you want to create
commands by incorporating data (from variables) you have to convert everything to
strings and add/concatenate them together. Remember that you cannot directly add
a number to a string. More over you can see that the conversion may be a little bit
obscure sometimes. In the first example we have to convert all numbers to strings
using the cstr function and then append the strings into a compound command. In the
second example the numbers are reals which causes a problem if you use the cstr
function because it converts them to strings alright but it uses a comma instead of
a dot to separate the decimal from the fractional parts. This would normally cause
a problem because rhino understands commas as separators of point coordinates, but
thanks to the formatnumber function we can convert real numbers to strings correctly
for rhino's conventions.
dim x: x = 1
dim y: y = 2
dim z: z = 3
dim str_x: str_x = cstr( x )
dim str_y: str_y = cstr( y )
dim str_z: str_z = cstr( z )
call rhino.command( "point " + str_x + "," + str_y + "," + str_z )
dim x: x = 1.1
dim y: y = 2.2
dim z: z = 3.3
dim str_x: str_x = formatnumber( x )
dim str_y: str_y = formatnumber( y )
dim str_z: str_z = formatnumber( z )
call rhino.command( "point " + str_x + "," + str_y + "," + str_z )
Accessing objects
The most important use of strings in rhino-scripting is for object
identifiers. An object identifier is a unique id assigned by rhino
for each object. The metaphor of a rfid or barcode is suitable for
explaining the purpose of these sort of identifiers: they are just
some sort of internal names for objects. Even though you cannot
use them directly, you can manipulate the objects they identify
passing them as parameters in rhino functions. If you know the id
of an object then you can access it, get its information, modify
it and even delete it. Most of rhino specific commands either request
from you to pass them an object identifier or just give you one
The following example illustrate the difference of an object, its identifier, and its internal data. The first line of code
uses a rhino function (not command) for asking you to pick a point object from the viewport. A point object is
just a plotted point you would "draw" by clicking the point toolbar button. The function gives you back the identifier
of the point (see documentation). Then the next function passes the object's id to the pointcoordinate function
which give you back the actual coordinates of the point. You might wonder why is this distinction between the
object, its id and its data. There are many reasons some of which are illustrated in the next few lines. The
next line asks again for user input, but this time not for a point object but just for a point in space / viewport.
In other words it asks you click somewhere in space so it can give you back its coordinates. The getpoint function
does not create a point object but the next one, addpoint actually plots it in space. The same function give you back
the id of the newly created object, which you can then pass on to the objectcolor function to set a color to the point.
A few things may be more clear now; Initially, each object has a unique id which has nothing to do with its actual data
but only distinguishes it from all other objects. You can access an objects data if you know its id. An object is
more complex thing that its mere information, for instance the point except of its geometrical information, the
coordinates, it has a color, a layer, a hidden/shown tag and many more.
dim point: point = rhino.getobject( "Pick a point object" )
dim coords: coords = rhino.pointcoordinates( point )
dim vertex: vertex = rhino.getpoint( "Pick a point in viewport" )
dim object: object = rhino.addpoint( vertex )
call rhino.objectcolor( object, vbred )
Arrays are a bit more complicated form of data.
They actually represent a sequence of variables. I use the term sequence
of variables in order to stress the idea of the container. So, an array has
a number of cells/items/place-holders that enables us to put/store/assign
values in some sort of sequential order.
There are two types of arrays, linear/one-dimensional and matrix-flavored/multi-dimensional.
Here is an example of an array with nine cells. Each cell can store a variable whatsoever,
even another array. Also notice that the cell numbering start always from zero rather than one.
Another example of a two dimensional array with 3 by 9 cells. Two dimensional arrays
are also known as matrices. The same rules apply here, but beware of the dimensions:
a three dimensional array would resemble a rectilinear box of cells and a four dimensional
array is virtually impossible to be understood, maybe as a four-dimensional thingy
(hyper-box, polychoron of cubes etc). Most of the times people use linear and planar arrays.
so we will just stick to them.
Arrays are important because they allow to create groups of values, which by
convention represent something more than primitive data. A point coordinates
are represented as an array of three elements (x, y, z). The convention in this
case is that the first element is "x", the second is "y" and the third is "z".
One way to create an array in vbscript is by using the redim keyword.
Remember that you always enter the name of the array and the index number
of the last element. Therefore the array contains (the last index + 1) elements
since the numbering starts from zero. Another thing is that each element behaves
as common variable, which means that each element when you first create an array
will be empty but you can assign anything that you want in the same fashion as
with plain variables.
redim arr( 8 )
arr( 0 ) = 1
arr( 1 ) = 2
arr( 2 ) = 3
arr( 3 ) = 5
arr( 4 ) = 8
arr( 5 ) = 13
arr( 6 ) = 21
arr( 7 ) = 34
arr( 8 ) = 55
arr( 9 ) = 89
redim mat( 2, 2 )
mat( 0, 0 ) = 1
mat( 1, 0 ) = 0
mat( 1, 1 ) = 1
mat( 0, 1 ) = 0
So, in order to assign something in a cell you will have to use the
"name of array + index number enclosed in parentheses" scheme.
ArrayName( IndexOfCell ) = Value
And in order to get the value from a specific cell, you will have to use the same scheme, but this time the array will have to appear on the right part of the assignment.
Variable = ArrayName( IndexOfCell )
An array may not be necessarily homogeneous (in the types of data
that each element/cell contains) but homogeneity is usually preferred
for avoiding confusions.
You can also use the dim keyword to declare an array but redim
is usually preferred. If you want to know the reason then:
a dim keyword/statement makes/defines/declares a static array,
i.e. you cannot change the number of cells once the array is
declared, whereas by using redim you can do this (if necessary)
later on. So, because redim is more general it is better to be
used in any case.
redim point( 2 )
point( 0 ) = 1.22
point( 1 ) = 2.45
point( 2 ) = -1.21
call rhino.addpoint( point )
dim vertex: vertex = rhino.getpoint( "Pick a point" )
vertex( 0 ) = vertex( 0 ) + 1.22
vertex( 1 ) = vertex( 1 ) + 2.45
vertex( 2 ) = vertex( 2 ) - 1.21
call rhino.addline( point, vertex )
Notice that is the second example of modifying a point that was grabbed from
the viewport, the variable "vertex" was declared with dim
rather than redim. This is a special
case of dynamic arrays which you can create by using the array function.
The array function just picks up the parameters and puts them in
a linear array and gives them back.
dim point
point = array( 1.22, 2.45, -1.21 )
dim numbers
numbers = array( 1.00, 0.45, -21, 3, 45, 66 )
This an easier way to make arrays as long as you know how many elements they will have.
As mentioned before, an array can contain another array(s). You can make them by using the
array function.
dim points
points = array( array( 1.22, 2.45, -1.21 ), array( 13.3, -12.3, 3.0 ), array( 53.3, 12.3, 35.0 ) )
call rhino.addpolyline( point )
call rhino.addcurve( point )
Multidimensional arrays and jagged arrays
Even though the semantic of an n-dimensional array and an array containing
arrays are the same, the language doesn't treat them as equal. The
following two arrays may look the same but they are of different
kinds. The first one is called n-dimensional array, while the second
is know as jagged.
redim points( 1, 2 )
points( 0, 0 ) = 0.34
points( 0, 1 ) = 4.0
points( 0, 2 ) = 34.3
points( 1, 0 ) = 1.3
points( 1, 1 ) = 4.25
points( 1, 2 ) = 123.33
dim points2: points2 = array( array( 0.34, 4.0, 34.3 ), array( 1.3, 4.25, 123.33 ) )
points2( 0 )( 0 ) = 0.34
points2( 0 )( 1 ) = 4.0
points2( 0 )( 2 ) = 34.3
points2( 1 )( 0 ) = 1.3
points2( 1 )( 1 ) = 4.25
points2( 1 )( 2 ) = 123.33
points2( 0 ) = array( 0.34, 4.0, 34.3 )
n-dimensional mapping |
jagged mapping |
0 |
1 |
2 |
j |
0 |
0.34 |
4.0 |
34.3 |
... |
... |
1 |
1.3 |
4.25 |
123.33 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
i |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
Geometry 101: Point Arithmetics
Now that you have a basic understanding of most data representations,
and a glimpse of how things work in rhino, it is time for some basic
geometric ideas which are independent of software and computer language.
Because we are working with a specific programming language and
a specific software though, the examples have to adapt to the local
conditions. Since, rhino understands points as arrays with three
real number elements we will make three convention variables which
will help making the code a little bit more legible. I use capitals
letters for naming variables that I will not change their value
and furthermore they will remain global and constant through out
this document.
It is important to understand that the whole geometrical construct
that computers know how to do is based on the idea of the point:
identity of position. If you know how to handle points, then you
are able to handle everything else. For example lines, planes, meshes
are all point constructs, NURBS too even though there is an indirection
(control points). Modifying a higher level object always comes down
to manipulating its points. So, here are the most basic yet important
point arithmetics.
A global coordinate system defined by three axes |
A point in space defined by coordinates |
Projection of point on planes defined by the axes |
The (x, y, z) coordinates represent the distance of the point per axis from the origin |
redim point( 2 )
point( VERTEX_X ) = 1.22
point( VERTEX_Y ) = 2.45
point( VERTEX_Z ) = -1.21
Distance between points
The distance between points or length of the linear segment they define is given by the square root of their
coordinate difference squared. You can think of it as the three dimensional version of the Pythagorean theorem.
dim pa: pa = array( 2.00, -1.00, 3.00 )
dim pb: pb = array( 5.00, 6.00, 1.00 )
dim dx: dx = pb( VERTEX_X ) - pa( VERTEX_X )
dim dy: dy = pb( VERTEX_Y ) - pa( VERTEX_Y )
dim dz: dz = pb( VERTEX_Z ) - pa( VERTEX_Z )
dim distance: distance = sqr( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz )
The mid points and centroids
Say you have two points pa(xo,yo,zo) and pb(xi,yi,zi). Then the
mid point is defined as the average of their coordinates. Moreover,
this is a general principle for point arithmetics. If you average
three points you get the centroid of the triangle they describe.
If you average an arbitrary amount of points then you get their
centroid (like the pivot point used for meshes).
The midpoint of two points |
The centroid of a triangle |
dim pa: pa = array( 2.00, -1.00, 3.00 )
dim pb: pb = array( 5.00, 6.00, 1.00 )
redim midpoint( 2 )
midpoint( VERTEX_X ) = ( pa( VERTEX_X ) + pb( VERTEX_X ) ) / 2.0
midpoint( VERTEX_Y ) = ( pa( VERTEX_Y ) + pb( VERTEX_Y ) ) / 2.0
midpoint( VERTEX_Z ) = ( pa( VERTEX_Z ) + pb( VERTEX_Z ) ) / 2.0
dim pc: pc = array( 3.00, 9.00, 0.00 )
redim centroid( 2 )
centroid( VERTEX_X ) = ( pa( VERTEX_X ) + pb( VERTEX_X ) + pc( VERTEX_X ) ) / 3.0
centroid( VERTEX_Y ) = ( pa( VERTEX_Y ) + pb( VERTEX_Y ) + pc( VERTEX_X ) ) / 3.0
centroid( VERTEX_Z ) = ( pa( VERTEX_Z ) + pb( VERTEX_Z ) + pc( VERTEX_X ) ) / 3.0
Whenever you move some geometry from one place to the other, you
usually have to specify a starting and an ending point. The mathematical
expression for moving stuff around is translation. Translation can
be defined in multiple ways: distances per direction / axis, a starting
and an ending point, a vector. We are used to the second definition
because points are geometrically representable whereas directions
and vectors are a little bit more fuzzy. The easier way computationally
for implementing translation of a point/object in space is by summing
its coordinates (x, y, z) with distances per directions / axis (dx,
dy, dz). In the case of two points, we can subtract the coordinates
of the reference points (endpoint - startpoint) in order to get
the distances per direction and apply the previously described sum
of the coordinates. The last case of the vector is actually a generalization
of the previous. A vector is just the distances per axis between
two points (dx, dy, dz).
Now if we symbolize a translation as a function "t( )" of a point
and we have two translations "t1" and "t2" and a point "p", then
we can infer from the previous information that "t1( t2( p ) ) =
t2( t1( p ) )", because "dx1 + dx2 + x = dx2 + dx1 + x" etc. In
other words, the sequence that you apply translations if indifferent.
You can also understand that "t + t-1 = 0", which means
that if you move a point somewhere, and then move it back, then
it is like you didn't move it at all.
Two points define a translation; the order of points defines the direction |
The difference of their coordinates define the distances |
You may think a point's coordinates describing
a translation of the origin(0, 0, 0) to (x, y, z) |
In this case you may think translation as a shift
of the coordinate system to a new position |
redim point( 2 )
point( VERTEX_X ) = 1.44
point( VERTEX_Y ) = 2.35
point( VERTEX_Z ) = 3.87
dim dx: dx = 4.62
dim dy: dy = 5.09
dim dz: dz = 6.37
point( VERTEX_X ) = point( VERTEX_X ) + dx
point( VERTEX_Y ) = point( VERTEX_X ) + dy
point( VERTEX_Z ) = point( VERTEX_X ) + dz
dim s_point: s_point = array( 1.10, 2.34, 3.72 )
dim e_point: e_point = array( 3.44, 5.90, 6.89 )
dim point: point = array( 7.55, 8.77, 9.37 )
dim dx: dx = e_point( VERTEX_X ) - s_point( VERTEX_X )
dim dy: dy = e_point( VERTEX_Y ) - s_point( VERTEX_Y )
dim dz: dz = e_point( VERTEX_Z ) - s_point( VERTEX_Z )
point( VERTEX_X ) = point( VERTEX_X ) + dx
point( VERTEX_Y ) = point( VERTEX_Y ) + dy
point( VERTEX_Z ) = point( VERTEX_Z ) + dz
dim vector: vector = array( _
e_point( VERTEX_X ) - s_point( VERTEX_X ), _
e_point( VERTEX_Y ) - s_point( VERTEX_Y ), _
e_point( VERTEX_Z ) - s_point( VERTEX_Z ) _
dim point: point = array( 7.55, 8.77, 9.37 )
dim moved: moved = array( _
point( VERTEX_X ) + vector( VERTEX_X ), _
point( VERTEX_Y ) + vector( VERTEX_Y ), _
point( VERTEX_Z ) + vector( VERTEX_Z ) _
While scaling is as easy as translation, rotation is a bit complicated and I will skip it for now.
Scaling implies a multiplication (like 1:200 or 1/16'' scale of a model or plan).
For scaling you just have to multiply a points/objects coordinates by a scaling factor. If the factor
is same for all axes, then it is called uniform scaling, otherwise it is also known as non-uniform
scaling. Actually the commands scale1D and scale2D, just keep the scaling factor for two or one axes (respectively)
zero while allow the other(s) to change. Again, there are many ways to define a scaling action: by a single
factor, by reference length and new length, by reference points etc.
There is though a tricky part with scaling, which was
implied in the translation transformation but it didn't affect the results. A scaling must be defined
according to a point of reference. If you just multiply the (x,y,z) coordinates of a point with a scale
factor (x * f, y * f, z * f), then you have to understand that you actually imply a scaling in reference
to the origin point of the global coordinate system. When CAD software ask you for a reference point
they translate the coordinate system to your point, they perform the scaling
multiplication, and then move the coordinate system back in place (all these behind the scenes).
Again if we symbolize a scaling as a function "s( )" and we have
a couple of them "s1" and "s2" and a point "p", then we can infer
that "s1( s2( p ) ) = s2( s1( p ) )", because it all comes down
to "f1 * f2 * coordinate = f2 * f1 * coordinate", where "f1" and
"f2" are the scaling factors for "s1" and "s2", respectively. But
if we have a point "p", a translation "t" and a scaling "s", then
"t( s( p ) ) <> s( t( p ) )", that is the order of appling transformations
is important.
Projections of a point (and a vector) to the planes
of the coordinate system. |
Scaling through the origin of the coordinate
system. |
Scaling is calculated by a multiplication
of the coordinates of a point by a scaling factor. |
dim point: point = array( 7.55, 8.77, 9.37 )
dim scale_x: scale_x = 2.0
dim scale_y: scale_y = 2.0
dim scale_z: scale_z = 2.0
point( VERTEX_X ) = point( VERTEX_X ) * scale_x
point( VERTEX_Y ) = point( VERTEX_Y ) * scale_y
point( VERTEX_Z ) = point( VERTEX_Z ) * scale_z
dim vertex: vertex = array( 7.55, 8.77, 9.37 )
dim refpnt: refpnt = array( 1.00, 3.00, 6.00 )
dim origin: origin = array( _
refpnt( VERTEX_X ) - refpnt( VERTEX_X ), _
refpnt( VERTEX_Y ) - refpnt( VERTEX_Y ), _
refpnt( VERTEX_Z ) - refpnt( VERTEX_Z ) _
dim moved: moved = array( _
vertex( VERTEX_X ) - refpnt( VERTEX_X ), _
vertex( VERTEX_Y ) - refpnt( VERTEX_Y ), _
vertex( VERTEX_Z ) - refpnt( VERTEX_Z ) _
dim scale_x: scale_x = 1.0
dim scale_y: scale_y = 2.0
dim scale_z: scale_z = 3.0
dim scaled: scaled = array( _
moved( VERTEX_X ) * scale_x, _
moved( VERTEX_Y ) * scale_y, _
moved( VERTEX_Z ) * scale_z _
dim finally: finally = array( _
scaled( VERTEX_X ) + refpnt( VERTEX_X ), _
scaled( VERTEX_Y ) + refpnt( VERTEX_Y ), _
scaled( VERTEX_Z ) + refpnt( VERTEX_Z ) _
While the previous example seems a little bit complicated, a little bit too
much code for too little, painful and not meaningful, etc, it captures
a very important geometrical idea that you might want to know even
you deside to drop computation right away. The previous transformation
is also known as global to local, local to global coordinate system
transformation. The process conceptually is pretty simple: 1. you
push down the current coordinate system by a translation to a local
origin, 2. you do stuff as if you were in global coordinates and
3. you undo / pop the translation back to the original coordinate
system. This method is very important if you want to implement relative
motion in space. Inverse kinematics, for example, push and pop the
coordinate system along points in space, which happen to belong
to a skeleton-structure. Now, if this sounds complicated wait until
you learn about rotation ;) On the other hand if you just wait a
little bit you will find out how to suppress all these geometrical
/ computational paraphernalia by modularization and abstraction,
that is, you will never have to write such long coordinate manipulations
Code and Order
Since the right part of any part of a line of code/expression is calculated
first, there are some more strict rules that control what gets first
evaluated and what’s next. These rules are called precedence resolution
( 1 ) Expressions enclosed in parentheses are always
evaluated first. More specifically if you use multiple
parentheses (pairs), the most inner stuff gets calculated first
and then the most outer. So, the general rule is: the computer
reads/runs from inside to outside.
( 2 ) Multiplications and divisions come next.
( 3 ) Additions and subtractions follow.
dim x: x = 2 + 3 * 5
dim y: y = ( 3 + 5 ) / 8
dim z: z = ( -2 * 1 ) / ( 3 + 5 )
Conditional processing
The next key concept in scripting is flow control of execution / conditional processing.
The general idea of decision making is simple: if this is true then do that or
under these conditions the preferable action is this one.
It is not that far away coding these expressions from writing in english.
if( condition_is_true )then
end if
The most basic way for controlling a program's execution (under specific criteria)
is by using the if-then-else trilogy. This applies to
all programming languages.
Once an if is found during execution, the computer evaluates/calculates
the value inside the parentheses.. if the result turns out to be
true (remember booleans) then it "jumps in the if block" and performs
the code that comes in the following lines until it reaches an else
keyword or the end if keyword which means: that’s it, jump out of
the if / end if and continue as usual.
Now, if the conditions turn out be false, then it skips all lines
of code until an else keyword is found. Once an else is found then
the computer jumps in the else / end if block and runs the lines
that follow the after the else until the end if, where it jumps
out. After end if everything goes as usual i.e. line by line execution.
You can actually omit the else part if you don't care what happens
in any other case and make a simple if-then-end if branch. So, only
if the conditions are met, then something special happens. In any
other case what exists between if-then and end-if will be just skipped/ignored.
if( condition_is_true )then
if( another_condition_is_true )then
end if
end if
You can use as many if-then-(else)s as you want,
sequentially or one inside the other... (this is called branching or nesting).
The crazy ritual of putting leading spaces before ifs (commonly know as indentation)
helps a bit visually to follow the flow just by looking at the code.
It has no other meaning but try to do it or you will be sorry.
Conditionals (themselves)
Conditional tests are like right parts of an assignment;
A part of code/expression that is calculated, and in every case
it must come down to a true of a false result (I mean a boolean value true or false here).
dim x: x = 4
dim y: y = 5
if( x > y )then
end if
if( x < y )then
end if
if( x <= y )then
end if
if( x >= y )then
end if
if( x = y )then
end if
if( x <> y )then
end if
These are the most usual conditional tests. They are actually pretty straight
forward excluding the not-equal test, which might be a little bit
weird (as a symbolic notation). If you want to test more than one
conditions in the same time you may join tests by using the boolean
operators instead of nesting if's one inside the other.
dim xmin: xmin = 0
dim xmax: xmax = 1
dim x: x = 0.25
if( ( xmin < x ) and ( x < xmax ) )then
end if
if( ( x < xmin ) or ( x > xmax ) )then
end if
if( ( x > xmin ) xor ( x > xmax ) )then
end if
if( not ( x > xmin ) )then
end if
The tables of all truths.
and |
true |
false |
true |
true |
false |
false |
false |
false |
or |
true |
false |
true |
true |
true |
false |
true |
false |
xor |
true |
false |
true |
true |
false |
false |
false |
true |
not |
true |
false |
false |
true |
Geometry 102: More on points
Lets use the conditionals for some realistic case now. First will do a point equality test,
then a point approximation test and finally a point proximity test. Two points are equal only
if their coordinates are equal.
dim pa: pa = rhino.getpoint( "Select a point" )
dim pb: pb = rhino.getpoint( "Select another point" )
if( pa( VERTEX_X ) = pb( VERTEX_X ) ) then
if( pa( VERTEX_Y ) = pb( VERTEX_Y ) ) then
if( pa( VERTEX_Z ) = pb( VERTEX_Z ) ) then
call msgbox( "The points are equal" )
call msgbox( "The points are not equal" )
end if
call msgbox( "The points are not equal" )
end if
call msgbox( "The points are not equal" )
end if
if( ( pa( VERTEX_X ) = pb( VERTEX_X ) ) and _
( pa( VERTEX_Y ) = pb( VERTEX_Y ) ) and _
( pa( VERTEX_Z ) = pb( VERTEX_Z ) ) ) then
call msgbox( "The points are equal" )
call msgbox( "The points are not equal" )
end if
While this might be a reasonable testing in math, it is not always the case
with computational geometry because real numbers are not very perfect:
they have some precision but not absolute precision. Sometimes it
is not enough to test for equality of points in this way, because
there may be a fractional digit that went off, by a little bit,
due to some rounding problem. You will just get a wrong result in
that case (a.k.a. you have encountered a numerical stability problem).
For simple geometric manipulation the coordinate to coordinate testing
is enough, but for intersections for instance it is very risky to
depend on simple tests. How would you do that then? You will have
to rephrase the test. Instead of testing for equality "coordinate1
= coordinate2", you will first test if the difference of the coordinates
is zero "coordinate2 - coordinate1 = 0". Then you will have to use
a precision threshold number that is really really close the zero
but not zero, say "0.00001". Then you will have to reformat the
test "coordinate2 - coordinate1 <= 0.0001". Finally, in order
to be safe in case the coordinates are negative numbers you will
have to ensure them with an absolute value wrapping: "| coordinate2
- coordinate1 | <= 0.00001"
dim pa: pa = rhino.getpoint( "Select a point" )
dim pb: pb = rhino.getpoint( "Select another point" )
dim zero: zero = 0.0001
if( ( abs( pb( VERTEX_X ) - pa( VERTEX_X ) ) <= zero ) and _
( abs( pb( VERTEX_Y ) - pa( VERTEX_Y ) ) <= zero ) and _
( abs( pb( VERTEX_Z ) - pa( VERTEX_Z ) ) <= zero ) ) then
call msgbox( "The points are pretty much equal" )
call msgbox( "The points are not equal" )
end if
Proximity testing is actually very simple: you just test if the distance between
two points is less than a proximity distance. You can also picture
it as a test of a point being inside a sphere.
dim pa: pa = rhino.getpoint( "Select a point" )
dim pb: pb = rhino.getpoint( "Select another point" )
dim distance: distance = rhino.distance( pa, pb )
dim proximity: proximity = 5.0
if( distance <= proximity ) then
call msgbox( "The points are close enough" )
call msgbox( "The points are not very close" )
end if
Iterative processing
Well, what computers are the best with, is doing the same stuff, the same way, many many times per second.
Here is how: they repeat themselves. There are two kinds of loops in vbscript which are actually
common in every programming language: the for/next and the do-while/loop.
The for / next loop
dim control_variable
for control_variable = initial_value to final_value
This translates to: when "the computer" sees the for keyword in the beginning of a
new line of code (always in the beginning) then it assigns to the control_variable
the intitial_value just like in an assignment statement. After that it jumps inside
the loop's body and starts executing the lines below, running whatever exists in
between for and next. When it reaches the next keyword, it suddenly jumps back to
the line which contained the for everything started from, it adds one (the number 1)
to the control variable and continues in the same fashion. Well, the whole thing is
repeated as many times as needed in order the control variable to become equal to
the final value. When this happens the program "goes out of the loop" and executes
whatever code is left after the next keyword.
The rules:
( 1 )
The control variable is always a number, because in each
loop it increments by one. So, if you try to give a string,
guess what, the program will start crying.
dim control_variable
for control_variable = "A" to "Z"
( 2 )
You have to declare the control variable somewhere before
the for loop. And of course the names selected here
(control_variable, intial_value and final_value) where chosen
in order to protect the witnesses (i.e. it is only an example).
You can use constant numbers / literals
instead of the initial and final variables but
you cannot do that with the
control variable.
dim index
for index = 0 to 100
( 3 )
The control variable is just as any other variable, i.e. you
can use it inside the for/next loop for doing stuff.
dim j: j = 0
dim i
for i = 0 to 100
j = j + i
redim numbers( 100 )
for i = 0 to 100
numbers( i ) = i
( 4 )
You can even fool around with the control variable (say add
stuff) but avoid doing this unless you have good evidence
that this action will lead to a better world. In any other case
see below for the while/loop which what you want.
dim i
for i = 0 to 100
i = i + 1
( 5 ) As with if/then you can nest as
many loops as you want; just be careful to match the for/next pair
correctly. Again indentation of the code is used for quickly identifying
which for pairs with which next.
dim i
for i = 0 to 100
dim j
for j = 0 to 100
( 6 ) Sometimes you may want to exit
a for loop before it actually ends. You can do this by using the
exit for command. A typical reason for exiting a loop before it
ends is because some secondary condition was met, and it is not
necessary to keep iterating any more.
dim j: j = -1
dim i
for i = 0 to 99
if( numbers( i ) = 17 )then
j = i
exit do
end if
if( j < 0 )then
end if
( 7 )
The for / next loop increments automatically the control variable by one in each loop . You can control this
default behavior by using the step modifier. The step keyword allows you to define the increment
of the control variable per cycle.
dim i
for i = 1 to 100 step 2
( 8 )
You can loop backwards by setting up negative stepping and you can also step through
real numbers by setting a fractional step factor.
dim i
for i = 100 to 0 step -1
dim j
for j = 0.0 to 1.0 step 0.1
The do while / until loop:
do while( condition_is_true )
loop until( condition_becomes_false )
What's different about this kind of loop is that there are no control, initial
and final variables. What controls when to stop looping here is
a conditional test, just like in the if-then case. The difference
with the while and until alternatives is that in the first case
you check before entering the loop, while in the second case (until)
the code in the loop is going to run at least once before it hits
the test (and determine if there is gonna be an iteration). The
do while / until loop is more general than for / next and its use
is preferable when the exact amount of iterations needed is not
known from the beginning. If you know or you can calculate the number
of iterations needed, then try using the for / next loop which is
rather more safe and stable.
The rules:
( 1 ) It is very easy to
crash your computer by getting stuck in an infinite loop. Actually
you might want to try this, it will be the first time that you intentionally
and/or predictably you crashed it.
do while( true )
( 2 )
Since while is more general than for / next you can actually simulate
its behavior with only a few variables.
dim initial_value: initial_value = 0
dim final_value: final_value = 100
dim control_variable: control_variable = initial_value
do while( control_variable <= final_value )
control_variable = control_variable + 1
( 3 )
As with for / next, you can exit a do while / until loop at any time
by using the exit do command. Exit do is the only way to exit a do while
block if you start an infinite while( true ) loop.
dim i: i = 0
do while( true )
i = i + 1
if( i = 100 ) then
exit do
end if
Geometry Continued
Here are some examples of using loops from performing geometric operations.
Lets start with some basics of translating the control variable from one
domain of abstract numbers to something more meaningful. The following example
converts the control variable to angle for plotting points of a circle.
dim index
for index = 0 to 36
dim degrees: degrees = index * 10
dim radians: radians = degrees * 3.1415 / 180.0
dim x: x = radius * cos( radians )
dim y: y = radius * sin( radians )
dim z: z = 0.0
dim point: point = array( x, y, z )
call rhino.addpoint( point )
The following example illustrates the process of making a grid of points in the xy plane
by using two nested loops and interpreting the control variables are columns and rows of
the grid, which then are translated in coordinates of the grid's points.
dim columns: columns = rhino.getinteger( "Columns" )
dim rows: rows = rhino.getinteger( "Rows" )
dim column
for column = 0 to columns - 1
dim row
for row = 0 to rows - 1
dim x: x = column
dim y: y = row
dim point: point = array( x, y, 0.0 )
call rhino.command( "-point " + rhino.pt2str( point ) )
The next example plots a grid of point on a NURBS surface. But before
doing that you might want to know a little bit more about NURBS
surfaces. NURBS surfaces provide the means for creating and manipulating
curved geometry. Non Uniform Rational B-Spline surfaces are defined
by two curved directions: "u" and "v". Apart from many interesting
properties (see bibliography), NURBS surfaces make possible to draw
on them as if drawing on a plane. Instead of using ( x, y )as in
the previous example, you can use ( u, v ) and draw directly on
any surface. In order to do that; there has to be an intermediate
step of translation between the "uv" coordinates and the
"xyz" coordinates. By "evaluating" the surface at a (
u, v ) point you extract a point in ( x, y, z ) space. You may want
to think that the first example with the circle, already introduced
you to the idea of mapping from one domain to another. In a sense,
converting the control variable of a loop to angle for using it
as a parameter to functions that give you points of a circle is
not that far way from getting points of NURBS curves and surfaces.
The only difference is that you don't know the function that produces
them (but can learn more if you look on the net).
The "u" and "v" parameters of a surface have both a minimum and
a maximum value. In the example with the circle the minimum and
maximum values for the "angle" parameter were [0, 360] or [0, 2π].
The actual values of the minimum and maximum for NURBS are surface-specific.
A pair of (min, max) is usually called domain, so a surface has
two domain values (one pair per direction). Reparameterizing a surface
allows you to setup the domain manually. Usually the range from
0.0 to 1.0 is preferred because it is easier to manipulate (you
can think in terms of percents along a direction etc).
Have in mind that "uv" coordinates are not necessarily correlating
proportionally to the "distance traveled" on a surface. In other
words, the uv pair (0.5, 0.5) is not certain that it would coincide
with some sort of central position on the surface. The density of
the of the "uv" coordinates depends on the parameterization, knot
vector and other underlying properties of the NURBS surface.
There are a couple of conceptual difficulties with NURBS
which spring from its topological nature. For instance,
while once you are operating on NURBS it becomes easier
to encode geometry and change the underlying placeholder
(which is the surface), but on the other hand there are
trade offs, as for example the difficulty in thinking in
terms of distances. In the circle example, for instance, the distance between
two "angle" parameters is not equal to their difference but equal to the
length of the arc they define.
The following example illustrates the process of creating a grid
on top of a surface. The first new part of the code, outside the
grid iteration, sends a command to rhino in order to reparameterize
the surface. The reason for doing this is to simplify the manipulation
of "uv" coordinates, so that the minimum uvs are going
to be ( 0, 0 ) and the maximum ( 1, 1 ). Inside the nested loops,
there is a translation part from columns and rows to u and v. The
operation is fairly simple if you consider that we are mapping proportionally
a "column" range of [0 to columns - 1] to a "uv" range of [0, 1].
So, the minimum "column" value, which is zero, results to zero "u"
and the maximun (columns - 1) results to 1. Finally, the function
"evaluatesurface" converts from a "uv" pair
to a "xyz" point. In the circle example the "x =
radius * cos( angle ), y = radius * sin( angle )" are the "evaluate
curve" functions.
dim columns: columns = rhino.getinteger( "Columns" )
dim rows: rows = rhino.getinteger( "Rows" )
dim radius: radius = rhino.getreal( "Radius" )
dim surface: surface = rhino.getobject( "Select a surface" )
call rhino.unselectallobjects( )
call rhino.selectobject( surface )
call rhino.command( "-reparameterize 0 1 0 1" )
dim column
for column = 0 to columns - 1
dim row
for row = 0 to rows - 1
dim u: u = column / ( columns - 1 )
dim v: v = row / ( rows - 1 )
dim point: point = rhino.evaluatesurface( surface, array( u, v ) )
call rhino.command( "-point " + rhino.pt2str( point ) )
Procedures and Functions
The last linguistic feature presented in this page explains all about procedural
thinking. Procedures and functions are means for modularization.
In essence procedures are used in order to avoid rewriting the same
code again and again. A good rule of the thumb in order to identify
when a procedure is needed is to track when you are copying and
pasting code. All this extra text could be wrapped in a function
and reused in multiple places in the same or another piece of code.
Procedures and functions allow you to think in terms of "actions"
and by reducing the overall amount of code they make easier for
you to handle more complex processes.
function name( parameter )
name = value
end function
( 1 ) Type the "function" keyword
( 2 ) Give a name to the function; pick the name just
as you picked names for variables
( 3 ) Use a pair of parentheses and place inside the
parameter(s) you will pass every time you want to call it.
( 4 ) Place your code that performs something afterwards
( 5 ) Use the functions's name as a variable and assign
something to it!!! This will be the returned result.
( 6 ) Type the "end function" keywords to signal that your function
is over.
You have already encountered a lot of functions built in the language, such as cstr( ), formatnumber( ) or
others provided by rhino, such as rhino.getobject( ), rhino.command( ) etc. The general syntax
for using function is:
variable = functions_name( expected_parameters )
You can also use one function inside another. In that case the rule of the parentheses apply: the
most inner function is calculated first, its result is passed to the next one etc.
variable = functions_name( onther_function( expected_parameters ), maybe_more_parameters )
A function returns a value, therefore it cannot be present as the left part of an expression. It is an error.
functions_name( expected_parameters ) = value
Write your own!
Now it's time learn how to make your own functions, starting from
geometric function you already know and just didn't occur to you
that they can be wrapped around a function block in order to be
reusable and avoid the coordinate manipulation craziness.
dim va: va = rhino.getpoint( "Pick a point" )
dim vb: vb = rhino.getpoint( "Pick another point" )
dim vc: vc = rhino.getpoint( "Pick yet another point" )
dim dx: dx = vb( VERTEX_X ) - va( VERTEX_X )
dim dy: dy = vb( VERTEX_Y ) - va( VERTEX_Y )
dim dz: dz = vb( VERTEX_Z ) - va( VERTEX_Z )
dim ab: ab = sqr( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz )
dx = vc( VERTEX_X ) - va( VERTEX_X )
dy = vc( VERTEX_Y ) - va( VERTEX_Y )
dz = vc( VERTEX_Z ) - va( VERTEX_Z )
dim ac: ac = sqr( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz )
if( ab > ac ) then
call msgbox( "c is closer to a" )
call msgbox( "b is closer to a" )
end if
if( vertex_distance( va, vb ) > vertex_distance( va, vc ) ) then
call msgbox( "c is closer to a" )
call msgbox( "b is closer to a" )
end if
function vertex_distance( va, vb )
dim dx: dx = vb( VERTEX_X ) - va( VERTEX_X )
dim dy: dy = vb( VERTEX_Y ) - va( VERTEX_Y )
dim dz: dz = vb( VERTEX_Z ) - va( VERTEX_Z )
vertex_distance = sqr( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz )
end function
Subs and Functions
A procedure is a function that doesn't give back a value. You can
use the keyword "sub" (as subroutine) for signifying that you will
not return anything, but since returning stuff is not enforced by
the language (you will not get an error if you forget to return
a value from a function) you might want to use the keyword "function"
for everything. By the way, if you forget to return something from
a function, vbscript just return a vbnull value, a special value
that informs you that nothing was returned.
sub delete_all( )
call rhino.command( "selall" )
call rhino.command( "delete" )
end sub
function delete_all( )
call rhino.command( "selall" )
call rhino.command( "delete" )
end function
So, in other words, you can just ignore the returned value of a function.
In that case you can use the keyword "call". Call just inform you
/ the language to ignore the returned result, or that you are calling
a sub, which doesn't return anything anyway.
call rhino.command( "selall" )
Bug me not!
Functions that are defined in your code, but you are not calling them from anywhere are simply
ignored by the language. Thus you cannot know if there are errors in them or if they work at all.
Scope: The life and death of variables
Variables defined inside the body of a function (with the dim keyword) are unusable outside the function. That means that they
live only inside the function. If you define an array with the redim keyword, then it will be dead by the
time the code hits the end function / end sub keyword. In that sense you cannot return an array made with
redim from within a function, but you can do that if you make an array using the array function! All these
regulations are also known as code scope.
Another thing you might want to know about code scope is that you
can actually use a variable that was defined outside a function from within the function (but not belonging to another function's body). This is not very
safe this thing to do though. For example the VERTEX_X variable was defined outside the function vertex_distance( ),
but we were able to use it inside. These variables, that are defined outside of all functions, are also known as global variables because you can access them
from everywhere. While it is safe to read their value, it is not very wise or safe to modify them.
function scope_example( )
dim x: x = 0
redim arr( 128 )
dim v: v = array( 0, 0, 0 )
scope_example = x
scope_example = arr
scope_example = v
end function
In the shadow of another variable.
You can define a variable with the same name with a global variable
inside a function. In that case there will be a problem of resolution.
For these cases the rule of shadowing applies: the variable in scope
has a priority, therefore the outer variable is inaccessible, thus
shadowed by the inner one.
dim x: x = 0
function shadows( )
dim x: x = 0
x = x + 1
end function
Functions are not nestable!
While this is possible in some languages, in vbscript you cannot nest functions in the same way
that you nest conditionals and loops. All functions much be in the same global level of code. On the
other hand as you have noticed by now, you can nest function calls.
function outter_function( )
function inner_function( )
end function
end function
dim x: x = cos( sqr( abs( -1.0 ) )
Parameter craziness.
There are some weird rules concerning the parameters you pass to
a function. There are actually two ways to pass parameters in all
programming languages. The first one is called passing by value,
which means that whenever you calling a function the parameters
you are passing are copied in memory and their value is stored in
the parameters. This means that if you change the value of the parameters
inside a function the values that you passed in the function are
not affected, because you are actually playing with copies of variable
values. The other way of passing parameters is also known as passing
by reference or pointer. In this case, you are actually passing
real variables with their values. This implies that the parameters
are aliases of the variables you passed when you called the function.
Moreover, if you change a parameters' value inside a function, that
will affect the value of the variable you passed to the function.
So, even though this concept may not be extra clear to you right
now, try to avoid changing the values of your parameters because
vbscript uses this later weird convention which sometimes tends
to be unsafe.